Busby SEO Challenge is a world wide SEO competition that challenges all SEO specialists from all over the world to participate and conquer the challenge brought by Busby. It's a three month period of SEO on Google (www.google.com) for your website entry for the keywrod "
busby seo challenge" starting this June 1, 2008.
The rule of the Busby SEO Challenge is you need your website entry to link back to the Busby Web Solutions and optimized your system for the keyword "
busby seo challenge" and reach rank #1 of the SERP. I guess this Busby SEO Challenge will be participated by the very best SEO masters, specialists and I think even big SEO teams and companies from different part of the globe. My another guess is Busby SEO Challenge will be dominated by SEO veterans and champions of the previous world SEO challenges.
My self well, I will be a one man "super SEO soldier" that will fight against super SEO challengers. Actually I have a team (capiz_bloggers team) but I still have an individual entry for the "busby seo challenge" because I want to prove that I can do this on my own and through experiences I have gain from my previous SEO challenge participations and lost.
Well I don't know where I might find my "busby seo challenge" entries on the Google SERPs, it will be a long time process of fights against big time competitors. Hope, I can reach even in page one even if I will won the second to third prize or if there's a busby seo challenge consolation prize. Here I go, bleuken on
Busby SEO Challenge.