It is exactly 16 days before the final day for the
Busby SEO Challenge and my entries are not moving at all. It is because the name of the game here is the Link building technique of the participants. The person who have the highest cloned backlinks win. If I have the same Ninjutsu and chakra as same as Naruto, I will definitely use it to clone and build links in one Kagen Bushin Ninjutsu. I will use all of my 100% chakra to make a thousand of my clone like on the picture then made them to build links for me on the net. I need a thousand of them to do it for me because I know that it will be impossible for me, a single person to reach the said target backlinks for just limited time. I know I will not win this SEO challenge but I just like to feel the spirit of the competition. Ah, I'm trying it right now if I can use the clone technique of Naruto but it doesn't work. Oh well, but take note, I'm not giving-up yet! :D (By the way a friend of mine is joining another contest called
Cebu Seo Contest, a challenge exclusively for Filipino bloggers only)
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