Today the new episode of Bleach was released and I have learn some points that I can use for the current
Busby Seo Challenge that I'm participating in. The episode shows how Captain Amagai, the newly appointed leader of the 3rd squad Shinigami, very eager to conduct a team training with the other 13 squads. It is because he saw the weakness of the squad when a certain confusing situation happens. He saw how members of the every Shinigami not cooperating and no fighting coordinations. Thus showing a possibility of inevitable great lost when great opponents will invade them.

The analogy of this anime episode to the recent
SEO challenge by Busby Web Solutions is how other Filipino SEO gurus and experts are not coordinating to each other to beat other countries. It is like it is very hard for them to help each other or make a "great master plan" to take over the leading competitors and challengers like the French, Indonesian, Australian and other distinguished SEO people gathered to evade this event. Despite this facts, I still have high hopes for Filipino. They will surely be recognized all over SEO world through Busby.
I'm just praying that I can be of help to my fellowmen, in one way or another. Whatever happen to the
Busby SEO Challenge, I will surely be here to support every Filipino in anything possible!
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